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Our Vision

We want Paddlers Against Pollution to be the voice of canoeists and kayakers. Trying to make a difference and support paddlers to help keep our rivers, lakes and coastal areas cleaner and safer for everyone.

About Us

A short history

Paddlers Against Pollution was an idea inspired by similarly named charity organisations, we wanted to think of a charity canoeists and kayakers could get behind.

Working for Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre, I had tremendous support forming a voluntary Canoe Litter Pick Team that went out litter picking on the River Soar regularly every month. Over the last several years the team have picked up over 1000 bags of litter plus a variety of random objects including trollies, bikes and even a sofa.

The idea then came to form Paddlers Against Pollution and expand cleaning rivers, lakes and anywhere else paddlers venture across the UK.


Our 3 Aims

  1. Increase awareness of the issues around pollution on all inland waters.

  2. Support projects that help to reduce pollution on all inland waters and coastal areas.

  3. Support people in paddle sport to help reduce pollution and clean litter from inland waters and coastal areas.

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